Fishing Info

Angling Season:

The season opens on 17th January each year.

The run of the lower Caragh makes it an ideal fly fishing river. There is a lot of areas on the river deep enough for spinning and worm fishing also.

Fly Fishing:

As the clarity of the water is so good the size of the fly is important. In low water conditions, size 10 or 12 is preferable, go smaller if unsure.

Most successful flies include:

Silver Stoat, Stoats Tail, Silver Doctor, Hairy Mary, Teal & Blue, Thunder & Lightning

Salmon:salmon jumping

There is a run of spring Salmon from early January with the peak in March/April depending on conditions.

Grilse arrive in May and increase in numbers throughout the season. Experienced fishermen believe the best periods on the Caragh range from April to July.

Average Size  (Based on recent years catches):

  • Spring Salmon = 10lb
  • Grilse = 5lb
  • Summer Salmon = 12lb

wicklow_seatroutSea Trout:

Sea Trout run from late March onwards with catches generally between .75lb and 3lb.

The lower Caragh tends to hold the Sea Trout as the do not generally enter Caragh Lake in great numbers.

Caragh Bridge Angling Club Fishing times

Caragh Bridge Angling Club as part of the agreement with the Landlords are restricted to certain fishing times. (See History Page)

These time are the most attractive for fishing as they include fishing every evening and all day on Sundays.

These times are detailed on the right.

Fishing Times

Map of Lower Caragh Pools